Monday, February 25, 2013

February Sunshine

We've been keeping ourselves busy this month, folks! Here's a glimpse of just one weekend.

We chose a site in the yard to build our composter...

And we built it! Using wooden pallets for $0. Admittedly, Chris did most of the labor while I took pictures of plants in the yard. I was on call when he needed help, though :)

Ever wonder how a coconut tree starts? 

A very popular way to grow orchids on the island: fill an old coconut shell with a young orchid, strap it to the side of a palm tree. Ta- da (eventually)!

Some friends of ours invited us on a hike Saturday morning. We knew nothing about it, except that we might be getting a little wet. 

I'm smiling becuase I'm still unaware of where this cave leads.

Yes, into an underwater pool! Fresh, clear water. The only caveat: it's completely pitch black, everywhere. As far as I was concerned, there could be monsters in the water! But after a while, with the help of Chris and some flashlights, I got in. As the picture shows, I actually enjoyed myself! We also found that our camera is, in fact, waterproof.

The rest of the hike held some ancient Chamorro village artifacts, such as this stone used for grinding wheat (like a giant mortar and pestle). Chamorros are Guam's indigenous people. Someone figured out they have been here for 4,000 years. The first outsider to discover Guam was Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. This history lesson is brought to you by Wikipedia!

I spy a toad.

The end of the trail...well worth it! In calmer weather, people jump into the ocean from this cliff. Not in my family! 

Our weekend didn't end with the cool hike. Chris went on his first boat dive - he just received his diving certification! He explored the "Seabee Graveyard," where Seabee construction equipment (bulldozers, etc) was dumped into the ocean after WWII. He loved it!

Here are a two photos from of the dive site:

Our fun weekend finally came to an end...and we somehow had time to finish The Lord of the Rings trilogy (I had never seen took 2 weeks to watch!).

Also, on Monday Chris gave the Charge at an Eagle Scout ceremony. "...Build America on the solid foundations of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God...". It gave us all a good reminder of how to live!

We miss you all back home and send some Guam sunshine your way :D


  1. That's awesome! I'm happy for you guys, it seems like you're living the good life in Guam

  2. It is wonderful to see the two of you together sharing some special adventures! Guam is beautiful!

  3. Some how you guys always end up underground, standing in water?
