Wednesday, January 16, 2013

GUAM - We made it!

We have been in Guam 1.5 weeks! The families from Chris' command gave us a very warm welcome at the airport. We spent the first week attending to details that come with moving, but we took many breaks to enjoy the island. 

Here are two maps to help you place where in the world we are! By the way, the island is the size of Dallas.

Our temporary house is lovely....this is our backyard! We watch the sunset and feed fish on that little dock jutting into the water. The water is warm, clear, and offers great snorkeling. Unfortunately, we are a bit too far from the Navy base so we are looking for a closer home.

Enjoying the Guam winter!

I don't have pictures of it, but Chris has already cut down and opened two coconuts from our backyard tree. He's becoming an expert :) He also gathers mangos daily from the yard!

Hibiscus out front.

Avocado and eggplant from a local market.

The plumeria tree in our driveway.

One afternoon, Chris brought me to a really neat mountain river near our house. It creates lots of little pools and waterfalls in its descent. 

After 10 minutes, Chris convinced me to climb in this tiny hole of water. It can literally fit one body, and you cannot see what might be at the bottom. I stayed in for this picture and then scrambled out faster than lightening... still getting used to sharing water with unknown creatures!

As you can tell, we are settling in well enough to this island life! Thanks for visiting the blog and keeping up with us! As soon as we have a permanent house, we will responds to requests for our address. It may be a few more weeks.
'Til next time! We love and miss you all!


  1. Where is a picture of Chris with his appendages availble for lunch?

  2. So nice to see your photos - It looks like youa re happy and that makes us happy, even though we miss you a world away!

  3. Such a nice backyard you have. Glad you guys are settling in well.

    1. Thanks LJ! We love the backyard...and we're sure there are similar ones in the Philippines! Can't wait to visit you there sometime over the next 3 years :)

  4. Hi Elizabeth and Chris! We're enjoying your blog. Keep posting pics! What does the house look like? When will you move? I hope you have lots of adventures. John is jealous of your backyard view.
    I'm sorry we missed you guys at Christmas. We are actually sick again right now, this time with a stomach bug. Aren't you glad you are far away in Guam?
    Take care guys! Love, Sarah and John Cordell

    1. Glad you like the blog! We will definitely keep posting - we have moved and just posted about it.

      We have an underwater camera and I can't wait to show some of that amazing world too.

      Sick again! Oh no! I am grateful there aren't any "winter" viruses here.

      Hope you're feeling better!

  5. Guam looks so beautiful. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.

    I just signed up for the updates again. I must check my spam to make sure they aren't going there.

    Good luck finding a new place and settling in.


    1. Yay, glad you signed up for updates! Just published a new post! Settling in quite nicely.
      Hope you all are well!
